Black Hat 2019 is taking place next week in Las Vegas. A biblical swarm of grasshoppers large enough to be seen on radar has invaded the city and temperatures outside in the scorching sun will approach 110 degrees, but that won’t stop tens of thousands of IT and cybersecurity professionals from making the trek to learn about emerging attack techniques and trends and find out what vendors have to offer to help guard against a growing and shifting threat landscape.

Biggest Cybersecurity Concerns

I recently conducted a poll on Twitter to find out what Black Hat attendees are most concerned about from a cybersecurity perspective. Twitter only allows four choices for a poll, so the options I offered were compliance, vulnerability management, container security, and ransomware / cryptominers.


With a total of 135 votes tallied, the clear winner is vulnerability management with 41 percent. Ransomware / cryptominers was second at 26 percent, followed by container security at 20 percent, and finally compliance with 13 percent.

Granted, only four choices is fairly limiting. I don’t know where it would have ranked compared to these four choices, but asset inventory gets an honorable mention. It was brought up in the replies to the poll and appears to be something that is a focus for many businesses and individuals. Admittedly, it is difficult to do things like vulnerability management or compliance if you don’t first have an accurate inventory of the assets you’re trying to protect.

Nobody Wants to Buy Cybersecurity Tools

At the end of the day, though, the poll question itself is misguided. For starters, every company should be concerned with all of the above really. Asking which is the biggest concern in a poll that only allows you to choose one option yields results that make for an interesting conversation, but just because someone chose container security doesn’t mean they aren’t also worried about vulnerability management.

Another reason the poll misses the mark is that it suggests that someone is braving the heat and grasshoppers in Las Vegas to seek out a vulnerability management solution, or a container security platform, or an endpoint security solution to guard against ransomware and cryptominers. The reality, though, is that nobody (well, very few people at least) gets excited about security tools.

More Peace of Mind and Less Stress

What businesses and cybersecurity professionals really want is peace of mind and less stress in their lives. They want to find the companies, and products, and services that can deliver that. Alert Logic provides that for our customers.

A Ponemon Institute study found that more than three fourths of alerts that IT analysts deal with are unreliable. In other words, 8 out of every 10 hours reviewing log files and analyzing alerts and network traffic are essentially wasted. We believe your time is important, which is why we combine platform, intelligence, and experts to give customers the best protection possible. World-class cybersecurity tools, cutting edge research and threat intelligence, and 24/7 monitoring by analysts in our security operations center enable Alert Logic customers to sleep peacefully at night with the confidence that their networks and data are in safe hands.

If you’re in Vegas for Black Hat next week, request a meeting with Alert Logic or just stop by Booth 1438 to visit and learn more.

Also—stay hydrated.

Fortra's Alert Logic
About the Author
Fortra's Alert Logic

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