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What Is a DDoS Attack? An Overview

What Is a DDoS Attack? An Overview

What is a DDoS attack? How do they work? How can you stop one from happening? Alert Logic answers these important questions and more, so keep reading!

The Many Benefits of Cloud Transformation

The Many Benefits of Cloud Transformation

Moving your organization to the cloud could be one of the best things you can do for your business. In this article, we’ll look at some of the benefits of cloud transformation and how your business can take advantage of it.

What Is Cloud Migration?

What Is Cloud Migration?

Cloud migrations are complex and come with their own challenges. To get the most out of your cloud services, you’ll need a cloud migration strategy that supports your business goals and objectives. In this post, we’re going to look at what goes into planning a cloud migration.

What Is Machine Learning?

What Is Machine Learning?

In this article, we’re going to look at machine learning and its benefits. Then, we’re going to see how you can use it to enhance your cybersecurity strategy. 

Recapping the Alert Logic and AWS Cybersecurity Summit

Recapping the Alert Logic and AWS Cybersecurity Summit

Making sense of cybersecurity strategies was the theme to kick off the Alert Logic and AWS Cybersecurity Summit in June – three days of exchanging strategies, technical insights, and best practices to achieve cloud security and compliance, respond to threats faster, and improve productivity. A panel consisting of experts from AWS, industry analyst ESG, and Alert Logic opened with a lively roundtable discussion of the key trends, challenges, and solutions for securing workloads on AWS. It’s worth capturing a few top takeaways.

Security and the Success of your Cloud Transformation

Security and the Success of your Cloud Transformation

It’s clear that the success of any material cloud transformation will be significantly impacted by security considerations. As organizations plan for these moves, it’s critical to set expectations and measures for security and to consider the optimal means of satisfying these needs. 

Containers 101: What Is Container Security and How Does It Work?

Containers 101: What Is Container Security and How Does It Work?

With container adoption on the rise, having a reliable container security solution is more important than ever. Gartner analysts predict that “90% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production by 2026—up from 40% in 2021.”

The increase in container usage is accompanied by a concern of growing container security threats targeting container services. Threat vectors aimed at services like Docker, Kubernetes, and Amazon Web Services are guaranteed to increase as more businesses adopt containers or expand their existing container networks.

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