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5 Keys to Improve Your Cybersecurity

5 Keys to Improve Your Cybersecurity

Jack Danahy, Alert Logic Senior Vice President, Security, presented a webinar highlighting the cybersecurity challenges organizations face today and providing 5 key recommendations for better protection.

Why Alert Logic SIEMless Threat Management Makes Sense for Your Bottom Line

Why Alert Logic SIEMless Threat Management Makes Sense for Your Bottom Line

Alert Logic commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact (TEI) study. The Total Economic Impact of Alert Logic SIEMless Threat Management report examines the potential return on investment (ROI) customers may realize by leveraging Alert Logic security-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions.

Wipro Compromised and Clients Hit by Supply Chain Cyber Attack

Wipro Compromised and Clients Hit by Supply Chain Cyber Attack

The fact that IT consulting and outsourcing giant Wipro can be compromised by a phishing scam and used as part of a supply chain cyber attack illustrates the importance of visibility and 24×7 vigilance against threats for companies of all sizes.

The Importance of Channel Partners for Cybersecurity

The Importance of Channel Partners for Cybersecurity

Channel partners are essential for the cybersecurity market–giving vendors much broader reach than they can achieve on their own and providing a trusted relationship with the customer that helps them find the tools and services they need.

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