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What Is Malware?

What Is Malware?

What is malware? Learn more about malware and how to optimize your malware prevention procedures.

5 Steps to Enhancing Threat Detection

5 Steps to Enhancing Threat Detection

Early and effective threat detection plays a pivotal role in minimizing the impact of cyberattacks. In any threat detection effort, organizations need to concentrate on enhancing visibility, risk assessment, and understanding the potential impact on business...

Changing Your Mindset on Ransomware

Changing Your Mindset on Ransomware

Being prepared for each stage of a ransomware sequence is critical to stop it from progressing and the ransomware objective from being realized.

Navigating the Latest Trends in API Security

Navigating the Latest Trends in API Security

What are the challenges security teams are facing with API security? Following are some top findings from Trends in Modern Application Protection that you need to know.

Is Your WAF Mismanaged?

Is Your WAF Mismanaged?

For businesses today, web applications and APIs play a critical role in their success as they influence employee productivity, customer satisfaction, profitability, and operations. To ensure their security, most organizations secure their web apps and APIs with a web...

How to Enhance DevOps Security

How to Enhance DevOps Security

While there are challenges related to DevOps security implementation, they can be overcome leading to enhanced security.

Financial Services Compliance Requirements: An Overview

Financial Services Compliance Requirements: An Overview

Financial services compliance requirements aren’t just red tape — they’re crucial defenses against cyberattacks, one of the top threats to the industry. These regulations set a minimum standard of protection to keep organizations secure.

Why You Need Cloud Protection

Why You Need Cloud Protection

In this blog, we examine how the scale and potential of cloud computing deserves (and requires) the absolute best protection you can find. Keep reading for a breakdown of cloud security: its threats, implications, and why they’re so critical. 

Why Are Humans the Weakest Link in Cybersecurity?

Why Are Humans the Weakest Link in Cybersecurity?

Technology exists to enable people. Whether they use it for personal or professional reasons, people are the common link driving technology adoption. On the other hand, while technology is often predictable, people are not. It’s easy to question why humans are the weakest link in cybersecurity, but the answer — like people — is more complex.

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